WCPRD Background Check Application Notice

To individuals filling out the background check application form (below), you must fill out each section correctly and fully, complete with your electronic signature and verification that you have read this application notice and the background check guidelines. The application will then be sent to the Warren County Sheriff’s Department for a background check. If your application is denied by the Sheriff’s Department, the Warren County Parks and Recreation Department will then contact you regarding the rejection.

Please read the background check guidelines in the section below thoroughly. Compliance with these guidelines is mandatory. Any application and background check consent form that is not signed will not be submitted for a background check, and the individual will not be permitted to coach until this is completed. Anyone found in violation of a WCPRD Rule, Regulation, or Policy that is acting in one of the league positions listed below and has not completed a mandatory background check will be dismissed from role for remainder of current season. Other penalties may also be imposed based on WCPRD Code of Ethics.

WCPRD Background Check Application Enrollment Periods

We are only taking applications for leagues currently in season. If you do not see the league you wish to apply for, please refer to the background check application schedule located below and reapply during that season’s enrollment period.

January 1 – December 31

Warren County Wrestling

January 1 – May 31

NFL Flag Football
Wilford Basketball 3 vs 3 Youth League

February 1 – May 31

Spring Volleyball
Spring Inline Hockey
Spring PeeWee Baseball
Spring Warren County Girls Softball
Spring South Little League
Spring North Little League
Spring Cal Ripken Baseball

June 1 – September 30

Summer Hoops Basketball
Fall Warren County Girls Softball
Fall PeeWee Baseball
Fall South Little League Baseball
Fall North Little League Baseball
Fall Cal Ripken Baseball
Fall Volleyball League
Fall Inline Hockey
Football League

September 1 – December 1

Winter Waren County Boys Basketball
Winter Warren County Boys North Basketball
Winter Warren County Girls Basketball


It is the goal of the Warren County Sheriff’s Office to check the background of each of the named applicants participating in Warren County Parks Department. The applications must be supplied in paper form by the Warren County Parks Department to ensure the safety of the children and citizens involved in the sports and recreation programs that are conducted in our Warren County parks.

Information Exchange

The Warren County Parks Department shall be responsible for bringing the applications to the Warren County Sheriff’s Office Records Section for the background checks to be completed. They shall be hand delivered, not faxed. It shall be understood that the background checks are second priority to the normal function of the WCSO Records Section. The Warren County Parks Department shall be responsible for making sure that the applications are legible and have the appropriate identifiers on the application for the background check. For a thorough check through AOC records, the applications must have name, any maiden names / previous names, address, at least a partial Social Security Number, and the applicant’s date of birth. If the forms are not legible, the WCSO Records Section will not be able to review or check records on that particular application.

WCSO is only utilizing the AOC’s Court Net program, Kentucky State Police Sex Offender Registry, and local warrant database when checking backgrounds on the Warren County Parks Department applicants. It is understood that WCSO is not able by law to run a full FBI Criminal History query for this process. This system is reserved for Criminal Justice purposes only. Warren County Sheriff’s Office is not responsible for any records or history that may not be discovered during this process. In this agreement, the applicant is giving consent for the WCSO to disclose information resulting from the background check with the Parks Director.

Reasons for Denial

Reason for denial of parks applicants can be but may not limited to any of the following reasons where the applicant has been charged with any of the following offenses. This is not to say that the applicant has been convicted of this offense, merely that they have a charge on their record. Again, it is up to the Parks Director to decide if any applicant can be accepted once the WCSO Records Section has denied the application. Another reason that an applicant could be denied would be for falsifying any information on the application to the Warren County Parks Department or any related paperwork.

  • Any active or outstanding warrants of arrest
  • Any felony offense
  • Any offense involving a minor
  • Any offense involving any type of violence or assault
  • Any offense involving the carrying of a concealed deadly weapon (handguns, knives, brass knuckles, and any other item covered by KRS)
  • Any offense involving eluding or attempting to elude police
  • Any offense involving possession, use, intoxication of, selling of, or promoting of illegal drugs or drug-making materials
  • Any offenses involving theft, burglary, or robbery
  • Offenses involving alcohol within the last 24 months (these situations shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Parks Director)

Accepted / Approved Applications

Applications that have been reviewed and appear to be in compliance with the standards of the background process will be stamped with “WCSD RECORDS” in the bottom right corner.

Denied / Rejected Applications

Applications that have been reviewed and appear to be out of compliance with the standards of the background process will be stamped with “REJECTED WCSD RECORDS” in the bottom right corner.

Appeal Process

Any applicant that was denied by the WCSO during background check may choose to appeal the denial. The denied party shall contact the Warren County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office to obtain information regarding the reason for which the application was denied once the circumstances have been revealed. Once appropriate paperwork is obtained by the denied party, the Warren County Parks Director will reconsider the approval of the application. This process is reviewed and conducted by the Parks Director. Denied parties should correspond with the Warren County Parks Department and not the Warren County Sheriff’s Office. It is understood that once an applicant is denied, the Parks Director requires final case disposition information from Warren Circuit Court Clerk’s Office showing that the charge in question has either been dismissed or expunged. All final participation decision-making authority lies with the Parks Director.